Natalia birdcage 6 sides galvanised

Availability: In Stock
ID: 113465
Product Code:
Barcode 8435039996550

(Ex Tax: 445.10€)

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Flying bird with highly corrosion-resistant wire for all types of birds. Its structure is made of galvanized wire, which is resistant to UV rays and corrosion. It has 6 easy-to-fold sides.

Ideal for large birds such as parrots, macaws or similar birds, as well as smaller birds so that they can enjoy more space to fly. The mesh space is very narrow to prevent the passage of harmful animals such as rodents or other birds of prey. Sliding access door. Quick and intuitive assembly. It is delivered flat with assembly instructions. Central column inside the aviary with 4 perches each, located approximately thirty centimeters apart. It has a small fold at the base, which is fixed to the garden soil.

Area: 1 m2
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