Slow feed pet bowl round

Availability: In Stock
ID: 113379
Product Code:
Barcode 8435039014674

(Ex Tax: 4.88€)

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Special anti-stress feeder for dogs that eat with great anxiety. Made of high-quality plastic material in green. Its capacity is 450 ml. It has an obstacle network, which means that the dog must find a way to access the food before he can eat it. This makes the pet eat more slowly, while it becomes a game that develops brain function. It is highly recommended in the first months of life, as it will give you a good nutritional education.

It is a special feeder for dog pets who are very anxious about eating food. Using it prevents the pet from choking when eating quickly and from spilling food on the floor. It makes eating slower while turning it into a game. It is a very easy-to-clean product. Avoid spilling or spilling food.

450 ml
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